
Mentoring Programs

Every year, we will pair volunteers (Mentors) with Mentees, aged 12-18 for one–on-one mentoring. Through our designed curriculum we will fill the information gaps and engage in breaking STEM stereotypes.

Program Structure and Duration:
  1. Select girls and boys, in 3:1 ratio from various social economic backgrounds, with a bias to the needy.
  2. Students will provide academic profiles outlining desired STEM areas of interest.(This is dependent upon background information and the student familiarity with STEM topics, which may vary with students).
  3. Mentoring will last 6 months and involve 1.5-hours per month time commitment from mentor and mentee.
  4. Student- mentor pairing will be based on students areas of academic interest, with accommodations made for age and gender (in the case of the boys).
  5. A pairing committee within Zaidi, will perform mentor-mentee pairing.
  6. Mentoring will be performed through virtual one on one communication.
  7. We will cover topics ranging from career options, networking, and support educational challenges; acting as a support network through our Zaidi Community.

Outreach Programs

These will be annual service trips to a selected country, to drive STEM topics. Based on country selection by the board, volunteers can use their professional experiences, skills and love of Science to serve girls in a developing country through workshops and experimental exposure in regards to STEM.

We will design adventurous and exciting trips, where our mentors not only give back to the community, but also get to understand the challenges that the girl child faces in her venture to secure an education.

Mentee becomes Mentor

To foster leadership, we will equip and support our Mentees to mentor other students and encourage them through the STEM journey. This will be accomplished by creating a fraternity of junior Zaidi Mentors. Through this initiative, we hope to reach grass-root communities.

Zaidi Mentoring Manual >